Hi, Moss the Dartmoor Dog Blogger here! Lisa asked me to go and check out some places that are especially welcoming to dogs. OK, I thought, I’m happy to try anything new…

So off we went in the car and drove right across Dartmoor. I saw lots of ponies and sheep and cows and things out of the window, it was great. Then we arrived at a place called Hotel Endsleigh. It was much bigger (and nicer) than my house and I think I'd like to move there permanently as it is full of really nice people who made a fuss of me.

But first things first. They gave us a map and showed us where we could enjoy a walk in their grounds. It had a huge big river running through it and she said it was called the Tamar and that we were in Devon and that on the other side it was Cornwall. I didn’t quite understand that, but I expect it is true. She said the Hotel is set in 108 acres of gardens, woodlands, follies and grottos created by Humphry Repton. I don’t know who he is, but he was jolly clever.

We walked along some very nice paths and came to a place called a Shell House – I have never seen anywhere like that before, it was amazing! I met two other really nice dogs there and we had an impromptu party, which was ace.

You are allowed to walk everywhere in their grounds and then come in for afternoon tea, with your dog, provided they behave nicely of course – that’s the dogs not the owners – ha, ha, ha! They do say it is best to book, and on the day we went, it was almost full.
And so, back to the big house. They had towels for drying me off, which was very thoughtful of them, and a nice big bowl of water ready for me. We were shown around several rooms, with shiny wood floors and I saw at least two HUGE log fires, much bigger and better than ours at home. The man who showed us round made a real fuss of me and then he said come and have some tea.

Afternoon tea is served every day between 3.30pm and 5.30pm. The library table is covered in cakes and you are welcome to help yourself to as much or as little as you like.

She and her friend worked their way through sandwiches and cakes and scones (you would think they hadn’t eaten for a week!) until I thought they would probably burst. They gave me the odd titbit, which was nice, but I had to lie down and behave myself as there were other people around.

It was all very exciting. I did growl at the lady’s head in the middle of the cake table as she was a bit scary. (I don’t know what she’d done wrong to make them cut her head off, but there we are!)

There was a strange dog lying in front of the fire. I said hello to him, but he ignored me, which was a bit snooty I thought. There was also a Labrador in the lounge and he looked like he had been there before and was very laid back about the whole thing and I thought he was really cool.
The nice man told us that the Hotel had won awards for their hospitality for dogs (Pets Pyjamas Award 2015), and I am not surprised. He also said dogs were allowed to stay overnight too and were given their own bed! I got really excited about this, but she said no, we had to go home. I nearly cried.
When we left, they said goodbye and made another fuss of me. It was lovely. When I get a chance, I am going to write to the Hotel Endsleigh and ask when I can move in.
If you would like to experience afternoon tea at Endsleigh please visit http://www.hotelendsleigh.com/afternoon-tea/
About Moss

I am Moss, a German Wirehaired Pointer. I live on Dartmoor and, let me tell you, it is a great place to be a dog! Not only are there zillions of great places to walk, rivers to jump in and rocky bits to climb, it’s also a really dog friendly place. Pretty much everywhere I go I am welcomed. Pubs and Hotels give me dog biscuits and when I go to events I get to meet lots of my doggy friends. If your people are looking for a place to take you on holiday, Dartmoor is a fab choice.